
Bernhard Agencies is the primary GLOCK importer & Wholesaler for South Africa. We are also GLOCK Armourer Instructors. We offer GLOCK Technical Servicing and are an official GLOCK Repair Centre.
All GLOCK Trade enquiries welcome.
Bernhard Agencies nor any of its respective officers, employees, agents, nor anyone acting for or on their behalf, may, directly or indirectly, make, give, offer, promise or authorize the payment or gift of money or anything of value to any government official or employee or to any political party, or to any other person, for the purpose of influencing any act or decision of any government official or employee or to any political party, in his or its official capacity or to induce such official, employee or party to use his or its influence with government to affect or influence any act or decision of the government to obtain, retain, or direct business to or for Bernhard Agencies. Lastly, BERNHARD AGENCIES complies with all local laws and regulations. Bernhard Agencies will refrain from any illegal practises in conducting business especially any related to corruption.